The DRAdvent calendar continues...

December is progressing so quickly! We've created an advent calendar with poems, drawings, and resources. Here's what happened so far.


There once was a little elf
Who could barely count to twelve
But in 24 days it changed the world of science all by itself.

More info: Read about reproducible research with the Turing Way


This is a story about an elf in the holiday season
helping all researchers to see rhyme and reason
in why it is important to do quality science
and work towards building a worldwide researcher alliance.
Follow the adventures in the next 24 days
to learn more about doing research in sustainable & reproducible ways.

More info: Want to do team science? Check out the Guide for Collaboration from The Turing Way.


As the elf was on a walk,
it saw a mad researcher talk
to their labmate with such a tone
that was mean down to the bone.
With a little elf magic spell,
the mad researcher got well.
Soon everyone was kind,
and still got to speak their mind.
Team science became the norm
and collaborations got in good form.

More info: Publish “non-exciting” results via preregistration.


"This result is not exciting!,
It will never go into writing."
Heard the elf quite a lot
and it wondered deep in thought.
"But what is exciting and is there a need?
Or is this just about research prestige and greed?"

More info: Learn about p-hacking with Felix Schönbrodt’s p-hacker app.


We need to focus on rigor!
The elf exclaimed with such vigor.
Excitement is not needed
But Quality Management should be heeded.
The elf set off on a mission
To change researchers' positions
To value quality over hype
For tiny p-values and similar tripe.


P-values? What the f***?
The elf was dumbstruck.
Made up by statisticians from a time before.
It's often misused as an "excitement score."

More info: Learn more in this article on p-values and effect sizes in transplant research.


With just a subtle wink,
the elf removed this weird kink
Of researchers for this little p***
and soon they were free.
Research focused on relevant effects instead
and the satisfied elf nodded its green-capped head.

More info: Check out the UNESCO recommendation on Open Science!


Data was always kept in an ivory tower
with code and other outputs under the same power.
This caused the elf to be very confused
because wasn't building on each other's (publicly-funded) work is how science should be used?

More info: Open Science: Steps Toward Equitable Access. Read this text that explains it in the context of Microbiology.


No time to spare!
We need a culture change to share!
Prepare your research outputs today
To make sure your science is here to stay.
Don't drop the ball
and give the gift of open access to all!

Follow along with what the elf discovers and fixes next in the advent calendar:

As always, this newsletter is licensed under CC-BY. This includes the poems and drawings. If you reuse these materials please mention us as follows:

  • Idea: Digital Research Academy community
  • Poems: Joyce Kao and Heidi Seibold from the Digital Research Academy
  • Drawings: Heidi Seibold from the Digital Research Academy

All the best,


P.S. If you'd like to support our work, please consider booking a Digital Research Academy membership.

Heidi Seibold, MUCBOOK Clubhouse, Elsenheimerstr. 48, Munich, 81375
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Dr. Heidi Seibold

All things open and reproducible data science.

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